Being Eco Aware At Home And At the Office

August 29, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

As time goes on, the negative impact caused to our wonderful planet by the human race is becoming increasingly apparent.

That’s probably the understatement of the year so far!

 We can all as individuals do small things to counteract or reduce the perpetual damage we are causing.

Recycling, for example has been made easy for us both at home and at the office. It is effective and simple and we’ve known about it for years.

There are facilities in place to recycle our plastic, glass and most metal items. This can be effected at home and by taking the items to a local depot or to convenient recycling areas

We can save power by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms. We can learn to switch off power sources to various appliances and not leave them on ‘standby’.

It is not necessary to drink and eat from disposable plates and cups. Some materials from which these are manufactured may be biodegradable but many are not.  A china cup improves the pleasure of drinking a cup of tea or coffee no end. That alone is a real benefit to the consumer.

Bottled water is a real waste of our resources when good clean water is so readily available to all.  Recent reports show that the amount of plastic waste from packaging generated each year in the UK alone is estimated at 1.5 million tonnes.  Reducing that figure would do wonders for our environment.

Email is a boon to society as thanks to the ‘information age’ we can share our ideas, news items, jokes and anecdotes with everyone without the use of paper resources. Just remember not to print! Few emails are so important that we need a copy for posterity.

A significant move towards being ‘eco aware’ in the workplace is the use of recycled materials in the production of office furniture

A product called Wheatboard has been introduced. It is a by product of wheat straw and would normally be discarded and burnt or left in landfills. It uses no formaldehyde in it’s construction and when produced into sheets, is supremely versatile as it may be sealed, painted, varnished etc and shaped into many designs.

It’s qualities of being lightweight and extremely durable have made it a viable alternative to wood and a renewable material ideal for making office desks, cabinets and cupboards as well as furniture items for the home.

We can all become ‘eco aware’ whether at home or work with just a little thought and practical application.

Mmmm – all about me: My job – office furniture. I love trivia, especially music and

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