Green Holidays: Having (responsible) Fun in the Sun

August 4, 2010 · 0 comments

in Green Travel

Our yearly trip abroad is under threat, threat from the groups of people who tell us we shouldn’t be flying in aeroplanes and that we’re damaging the environment. This argument is essentially true, planes do cough up a lot of exhaust fumes but it remains the most convenient method of long distance transport, unless you plan to spend a few weeks at sea on a freighter.

With recycling and other green initiatives being drummed into our conscience it is understandable that many of us are now thinking about what we’re doing to the planet and how we can help alleviate some of the stresses being put upon the environment. The thing is that unbeknown to many tourists is that there are many ways in which you can look after the planet but also have your week in the sun feeling guilt-free.

In t5he past travel companies have been accused of not providing information on the true cost of holidays and not been forthcoming with social and climate responsibilities. 80% of people surveyed about holidays said they felt they were not provided with enough information on the environmental costs to make an informed choice.

One popular UK holiday destination is the only one to excel with regards to environmental issues, and that is CenterParcs with it’s setting within a woodland area as opposed to razing the land and dropping a massive concrete jungle resort. One other way holidays were being made greener was carbon offsetting of flight emissions, a company would calculate the amount of carbon dioxide given off by your flight and would plant trees in order to hopefully absorb some of the CO2 caused by your trip.

The problem here is that with the financial problems going on that many people who have or planned to offset their carbon emissions are no longer able to as it’s an avoidable expense when they’re looking to get the best deal on cheap holidays this year.

It’s unfortunate as many holidaymakers are interested and would like to know the cost of their holidays not only to the environment but also the economy but with prices of flights creeping up due to fuel surcharges then many people booking their package holidays feel they need to save money for when actually away on their holiday.

There are certain hotels in the UK and abroad which utilise new green technology to help set the visitor’s mind at ease, hotels with solar panels in perennially sunny climates like Spain and Turkey can cut back on the electricity used, some accommodation utilises natural materials such as log cabins which are surprisingly modern despite their rustic appearances.

For now it seems that if holidaymakers want to be green then it costs extra, and at the moment everyone’s looking for the cheaper deal. Until flights companies are pressured into covering the costs of carbon offsetting or it becomes an included service then many tourists are going to remain unaware of the damage they are doing. As a result of recent surveys it is hoped that more travel companies present the information on environmental effects and that tourists get all the necessary information on a factor that is increasing in importance.

Andy Adams is an IT worker and experienced writer

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