What is ‘green’ Cleaning?

December 2, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

As the environmental movement has progressed and it’s supporters have swelled from the few to the many; once seemingly radical ideas have become mainstream. Consumers are pinched by the rising cost of fuel, and the idea of living green has influenced billions of dollars of purchasing decisions. What was once obscure to most has become trendy for many. Green cleaning is an effort to leave behind the toxic cleaning products with which we have been raised. These products consume a substantial amount of energy in their production, transportation and storage, not to mention that they are dangerous when spilled and often harmful to humans and animals even when used “properly.”

Green cleaning is a residential and commercial push toward environmentally friendly, biodegradable products. The good news is that unlike organic food these products are generally cheaper than their alternatives. Green cleaning entails a holistic approach to the ubiquitous task of cleaning. Green cleaning strategies boast health benefits, reduced costs, elimination of environmental damage, and often-faster more satisfying results.

Green cleaning does not stop with the elimination of harmful chemical use. It includes the reduction in paper product consumption and the elimination of dyes, inks, and fragrance usage. Green hand soaps are available, and microfiber cloths are increasing in popularity and prevalence. Building layout can factor into play as well, with extended entryway matting helping to prevent dirt from ever entering a building. Automated bathrooms continue to increase in popularity and new-age vacuum technology continues to reduce airborne particle inhalation.

Green cleaning can start at home and even children can join in the fun. Like much of the push towards environmental accountability, green cleaning is contagious, so do something good and catch the bug!

Nancy Medsker is the founder of http://www.earthcaremarket.com. Nancy’s passion for helping the environment stems back many years and has inspired her to create the Earth Care Market. Visit her website for information on non-toxic cleaning and green friendly products.

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