The Facts Behind Green Chemicals For Car Washing

May 3, 2010 · 0 comments

in green transportation

As people become more aware about the environment,  green chemicals have increased in popularity. There is a vast range of green cleaning solutions now available for different applications, including car washing, industrial cleaning, carpet cleaning, graffiti removal, and more. Unfortunately, many people still believe that eco-friendly cleaning products are not as effective as chemically based ones.

When it comes to very tough cleaning jobs, particularly with heavy vehicles, there is a belief that only harsh chemicals can do a good job. For jobs that involve the removal of grease, hardened deposits, and mixed debris, these chemicals are often called upon. The truth is, however, that these chemical-based detergents are harmful to the health of the user, the environment, and the vehicle surface. Pushing all misconceptions aside, today’s top suppliers now offer green auto detailing car wash chemicals that are just as powerful as their hazardous counterparts, while remaining plant-based, non-toxic, and readily biodegradable.

How Can It Be More Effective?

The reason green chemicals are effective is because they tackle dirt and grease in a unique way. Unlike many chemically based cleaning agents, a green car wash chemical will remove dirt from a molecular level. That is, they penetrate dirt molecules and break them down from the inside, emulsifying the broken down particles in water. In this way, even stubborn stains, deposits, and residues can be removed with relative ease. In fact, this mode of dirt removal is often more effective than some chemical cleaning agents.

A green cleaner does more than just break down dirt from a molecular level. A green car wash chemical also works to ensure that the tiny broken-down particles repel each other. This prevents them from re-adhering to the newly cleaned surface.

It is also worth noting there are special green cleaner formulas available for cleaning different vehicles and surfaces. Truck washes designed for cleaning big rigs and heavy vehicles are more focused on removing dirt and debris that can accumulate from long hauls and carrying different cargo, while car wash formulas remove every day dirt and grease that accumulates on automotive surfaces.

Eco-friendly cleaning agents used for cleaning vehicle interiors are also available. These formulas work to encapsulate and crystallize the dirt particles. This makes it easier to remove them from the carpet or upholstery and is especially useful in removing deep-seated debris and stains.

More Than One Advantage

Buying an auto detailing car wash chemical from a trusted green cleaning manufacturer offers you many benefits. For one thing, these products are versatile. They can be used for simple bucket and sponge washing or in conjunction with cleaning machines. They are also effective in automated car washes and closed-loop washing systems.

These products are plant-based, which means they do not pollute the environment. Apart from that, they do not pose a corrosive or toxic risk to the vehicles being cleaned or the person doing the cleaning. There is also no risk of these products leaving behind harmful traces that can lead to skin irritation or respiratory problems.

Car detailing eco-friendly cleaning solutions are especially useful for mobile car wash. When cleaning a vehicle at a client’s residence or workplace, you cannot afford to leave behind harsh car wash residue, as it can contaminate the soil and water. If these contaminates are not washed away completely, they can cause sickness in pets and children, as well as other negative environmental effects.

There is no risk of this happening with eco-friendly cleaning solutions from a trusted green cleaning manufacturer. Since they do not contain harsh chemical ingredients, there is no risk of toxic contamination. Any run-off will break down naturally and safely into the environment without causing harm.

Author is associated with Daimer industries a leading supplier of Green Cleaning products, Green Cleaning chemicals, windshield washer, green carpet cleaners , pressure washers, carpet cleaners and many more chemicals.

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