Want to go green but not quite ready to install solar panels? Try this tomorrow, wake up ten minutes earlier and run through this eco checklist. Just for one day make “green” your morning routine.
See the light – in the morning, open up your curtains and let in the natural light. It’s healthy and much more eco friendly than switching on lamps.
Turn the tap off while you brush your teeth – there’s no need to have the water running while you brush. Use a cup to rinse instead of running the water.
Ditch the electric toothbrush – since when did moving your arm back and forth require too much effort?
Use a bucket to collect warm up shower water – while you wait for the water to warm up, you can use a bucket to collect the “grey water” from your shower and use it to water your plants and garden.
Have breakfast at home – instead of getting “take away” which often involves excessive packaging, buy your breakfast foods in bulk. If you are in a hurry, grab something to go in a re-usable container. (While you’re at it why not pack something up for lunch as well?)
Turn off your power points – NOW is the time to do it! Check the lights, kitchen appliances, entertainment systems, computers, microwave – everything you don’t need running while you’re at work!
Eco your commute – just today, try public transport, cycle or just walk. You might find you’ll enjoy it! If you have to drive, try and arrange a car pool just for today, it will help you save on petrol and parking too!
Morning coffee – bring a mug down to the café, or if your work has the facilities (and to save some $$) make your own.
Congratulations! You’ve just run through a more eco friendly morning routine. (That wasn’t so hard was it?)
Living a more eco friendly lifestyle starts with small behavioral change. Now that you’ve done it once, can you do it again tomorrow?
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