Green Vehicles & Fuel Alternatives

December 17, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

Green vehicles have become a hot new trend over the recent years. With the earth in need of assistance now, before it is too late, we all must do our part to make a difference. It’s no secret that much of the earth’s problems can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. Many auto makers are doing their part to go green. There are now quite a few different options for those seeking a reliable vehicle that is also earth friendly. It’s important to do your research before you make any green vehicle purchases. They are not all the same.

There are quite a few great alternatives currently under scrutiny as a viable option to replace fossil fuels. Hybrids are just one type of green vehicle that is on the market at this time. Most hybrids give drivers the option of running either on gasoline or by use of electricity. Hybrids can vary though by manufacturer so compare and contrast various makes and models if you are interested in one. It is a serious investment that should be carefully considered. Hybrids have greatly improved since their debut and many owners are more than happy with their choice of car.

Flex fuel vehicles are greatly increasing in popularity. They are not really like hybrids except for the fact that they offer two different ways of powering the vehicle. Most flex fuel vehicles will allow you to use either gas or an alternative like biodiesel or ethanol. Those are both safer fuels to burn that do not come from fossil fuels but instead are obtained from natural and renewable resources.

Ethanol and biodiesel can be obtained from such things as animal waste and plant life. As those things decompose they release alcohol and other energy sources that can be harnessed to power everything from cars to farm machinery. There are now farms that are dedicated solely to the production of these fuel alternatives. Many places have already started to implement their use as well.

There are also vehicles that do not come with any gas options like flex fuel cars or hybrids. Some of these vehicles are solar powered only or run strictly on a battery. Though the idea sounds good, some of these cars have flaws that prevent them from being as good as they first sound. Recharge time and backup batteries make it a real pain to keep up on staying charged. It is rather inconvenient for many consumers.

Some consumers are looking at ways to improve the vehicle that they currently drive. Proper vehicle maintenance will assist in emission control. There are also products like Water for Gas that allow you to put hydrogen on the car you currently drive to gain better mileage and cleaner exhaust emission. Going green could even be as simple as purchasing an electric bike for those close to home trips. There are several great solutions and earth friendly options for driving cleaner. Green cars are gaining a stronghold in the auto market as more people seek a better way of life.   

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