10 Ways to Green Yourself

November 27, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

10 Ways to Green Yourself


#1.  Start Sustainable.

Sustainability is the ability of an eco system to maintain ecological processes, functions, and productivity into the future. You can use products that are sustainable, and are always replenishing themselves, such as fast growing bamboo.


#2. Recycle everything.

  • Don’t stop at recycling your plastic bottles and paper bags. In fact, one billion bottles of water are transported around the United States each week, and it is probably better to avoid buying them altogether.
  • When you go shopping, buy used clothes and used books instead of new. Donate your clothing, books and toys to thrift shops or consignment stores. Some people think that buying used clothing is gross, or unsanitary. It is just simply not true. Often, people don’t try on clothes from thrift stores, and with their prices you don’t have to. So newer clothes are usually actually ‘worn’ by more people. I have heard people tell me that they don’t want dirty or clothes that look worn. It’s funny because I see a lot of clothing items with the tags still on, that were donated to thrift stores from the department store. Haven’t you ever worn something once, and then donated it to a thrift store? I know I have. So before you are quick to cut used clothing down- give it a chance.
  • Did you know you can even buy recycle ink jet cartridges? Not only are they cheaper, they are just as good as the new ones.
  • If you have a baby, reuse cloth diapers.
  • Use items like reusable Tupperware to save food as opposed to plastic bags and wraps.
  • Discard paper towels and paper napkins, and trade them in for washable cloth.
  • Save and reuse grocery bags you get from the store, or even better- buy a reusable bag. Not only are these recycling tasks going to help our planet and make you feel good about yourself, they are going to save a lot of green from your pocket, which is especially helpful during these times of economic hardship.



#3.   Save Energy

  • Go through your house and make sure everything is sealed, and if it isn’t seal it up.
  • Buy appliances that boast the energy star label on the box.
  • Turn your computer off when you aren’t using it. You have probably heard the popular myth that it uses less energy to leave it on all day than to keep powering up. Well, it is what it is- a myth. If it were a real issue, then electronics would be dying on you all the time.
  • When your phone is not charging, unplug your charger. It actually uses energy when it is plugged into the wall- even if the phone isn’t hooked up to it.
  • I know, its common sense, but I’ll say it anyway. Turn off your lights when your not home or in that room, turn off your TV when your not watching it, etc. It helps to realize how things we do affect our planet before we can fully understand how important it is to help it.



#4.   Get More Exercise

Consider alternate forms of arriving at your destination. Walk, bike or take the bus. The other day I saw a man go to the store half a mile from his house to buy two items, just to come home and walk the treadmill. It would have been just as easy, and so much better for him had he walked to the store for those two items. I know people who work a block from their house, and still drive, even when they aren’t running late. Even if you don’t work close to home, a walk to the bus stop still helps. I’ve heard people complain that they don’t have time to walk to their local destinations, and often bite my tongue to keep from mentioning the years they would add to their life if they just got some exercise. So save two birds with one stone- be green and be lean!


#5.  Go Online

  • Most companies, even some small businesses, are going online when it comes to billing. Call your energy, gas, utility, and credit card companies and see if they have an automatic bill pay program. Some companies offer a discount for people who pay online, not only because it is the ‘green’ thing to do, but because it saves them money in office supplies.
  • Save money and paper by using e-mail as opposed to letters.
  • Use debit cards for your payments instead of checks.
  • Go to your favorite magazines’ website, and chances are you can view the entire magazine online and for free.


#7.  Conserve Water

  • If you live in a dry climate, don’t plant a bunch of bushes and flowers that wouldn’t thrive there naturally. Next time, try to Xeriscape. Xeriscape is the term for landscaping and gardening in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental irrigation. Its simple- all you have to do is plant things that would grow with the climate naturally.
  • Fix all leaky faucets in your house. It is cheap and easy to do, and won’t run up your water bill or your natural resources.



#8. Buy Local and Organic

            Not only would you be supporting your local farmers by buying their produce/dairy, you would know where it came from. Buying from people you can trust is important when your health could be at stake. Go to your closest farmers market, and feel free to ask the farmers any questions you may have. Ask if there are any chemicals or bug repellents used on the vegetables, and when the meat will expire. If something is ‘certified organic,’ that means it meets the FDA criteria.  


#9. Clean Cleaning Items

  • Replace your stainless steel and silver polish with half a lemon. Lemon juice can also remove lime build up from mirrors and windows.
  • Vinegar is one of the best cleaning agents there is. It doesn’t smell great, but it does a great job of covering up odors such as a stinky dog. Also, running vinegar and water through your coffee pot, and then running just water to remove the vinegar, will get your coffee pot sparkling and the taste fresh.
  • Baking soda is something you can mix with vinegar or water for an intense sanitizing effect- without the chemicals.
  • Corn Starch can clean windows and furniture, and even used in ironing and to shampoo your carpet.
  • Salt, mixed with equal parts vinegar, removes mildew. You’d be surprised at how many of the best household cleaning supplies are already in your home.



#10. Spread the Word

  • Telling other people how they can help the planet is just one way you can spread the word. Global warming is a very real issue, and it needs to be recognized as well as the other using excess chemicals, waste and energy are causing.
  • Volunteering is an important step to doing your part. Whether it is planting some trees or picking up trash on the side of the road, there are endless ways you can help.
  • Blog, write articles, post your feelings on forums. Motivate others to do the same.
  • Something as little as a picture on a bumper sticker, or as big as a poster really can say a thousand words.






Jacqueline Bozorgi is the proud owner of http://www.greenyourself.org, a directory and resource for people trying to make being eco friendly and saving money a major part of their life. She began writing articles so that she could assist in making people more environmentally aware.

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