Get Green Online & Profit Also

December 9, 2009 · 0 comments

in green living

Cater to this green living revolution and you’ll have a wealth of product possibilities. Start by searching ClickBank and PLR article sites for ‘Green living’ topics. Whether you find eBooks or a set of articles that can be combined into eBooks, you want to provide information on how the average person can go green.

You can also take some of the ideas and create videos or podcasts to explain the methods. Many people live in housing built without green living in mind. Show them how to adapt their current home with simple and cost effective means.

Search for products that are ‘green friendly’ and low to moderately priced to go with your low cost green theme information products. Become an affiliate marketer for these products. Some excellent green products come from entrepreneurs who may not know about affiliate online marketing or joint ventures.

Explain to them how you can help each other. Offer to add some free articles or an eBook to their website. You’ll open up new markets where both of you benefit financially. Create a ‘green’ website.

You can even find web providers who claim to use mostly green equipment. Thinkhost (dot) com uses wind and solar energy to power of its server capacity, recycles, sets up commuting plans for employees and donates generously to environmental causes.

You can brag about this hosting service and make money as an affiliate marketer. While you’re at it, borrow from their concept about giving back. Designate a featured product on your site and pledge to donate 15% of each purchase to a nationally or internationally known environmental protection organization.

Use your information to create a ‘Green Home’ mini course. Offer the 5 lessons as an eBook or on video. Each lesson is a chance to promote your other products. Connect with as many environmental product sites as you can get to add your free course.

Do the keyword research on various environmentally friendly products. You’ll find so many options – from hybrid cars to bamboo fiber clothing (which is soft and luxurious to wear). There are big ticket items such as home sized windmills, solar panels, solar water heaters, low flow showers or toilets and building products.

Increase volume sales potential with eco-chic clothing, sustainable gardening, reviews of energy conserving appliances, low VOC paints and other practical ways to live ‘green.’ This is one evergreen niche that you can feel good promoting!

Ron Richardson is the editor of Business Opportunities Newsletter. “>Subscribe Free ($67 value) & get free ad
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