Renewable Energy – Lesson 5 – Renewable Energy Benefits

May 14, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

Today, our lives, our societies and our planet are inextricably bound to what we are able to do about the worsening climate. Fortunately, more people are aware of the environmental issues and are motivated to take an active role in doing anything they can to reduce and eliminate their personal and household’s impact on the planet.

There a great number of people who are ideologically motivated to do everything that they can to avoid pollution and to use renewable energy, and there is also a growing number of people who are simply average citizens who are motivated to use renewable energy sources because it saves them money. Regardless if the motivation is idealistic or economic, the benefits of renewable energy are undeniable.

As our society evolves, our understanding of how our everyday actions can impart the planet also evolves. Today, more than ever, we are getting a realistic look at what will happen to our planet if we do not commit to an organized reform of how we obtain and use energy. There is a lengthy list of renewable energy benefits that can have a positive impact on a number of different social, economic and political levels. Some of the most noteworthy benefits of using renewable energy are:

Reduction of carbon and hydro carbon emissions produced from burning traditional fossil fuels to power vehicles, trains, planes, boats, homes and businesses
Reduced environmental impact by eliminating mining and drilling pollution
Healthier overall economy with the new jobs provided by the new industries necessary to produce and support renewable energy technology
A healthier population with the reduction in pollutants caused by burning fossil fuels
A stronger national security position with a reduction in dependance on foreign oil
A reduction in the ground water pollution caused by coal mining
A reduction in third world conflict as the focus shifts away from the control of oil
An improvement in impoverished third world nations as new opportunities arise in the untapped renewable energy industry
A healthier overall economy as people are able to save significant amounts of money in their heating and cooling bills by using solar and wind power

This last benefit listed is one of the most significant, because it deals with an issue that has immediate impact on a huge segment of the population. With advances in solar and wind generation technologies, it is now possible for the average middle class family to afford to install a solar or wind generation system in their home and to realize a dramatic savings in their utility bills. This savings helps the overall economy, since the money that is saved ultimately ends up helping the family avoid foreclosure, and otherwise ends up back in the economy.

Renewable energy has countless positive consequence and influences at multiple economic and social levels. From helping a struggling family cut costs, to reducing pollution to stimulating the economy by opening up new business opportunities in an untapped industry, renewable energy has benefits that can positively affect the lives of everyone on the planet.

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