Top 10 Energy Saving Tips For Cheaper Bills

June 29, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

Here are 10 tips that you can to use to cut down on the energy usage in your household and also reduce your power bills

1.Firstly you can insulate your house. Most of the heat that is provided to your house escapes through un-insulated roofs and walls. Moreover maximum number of homes in the United Kingdom does not have the required amount of insulation.

2.Secondly switch off any appliance that you have kept on standby. An average household in the United Kingdom wasted up to £30 in a single year simply by leaving the appliances on standby and not switching them off properly,

3.Disconnect electrical devices properly from the plug. Do not simply turn them off with the remote control device and leave.

4.You can also save a lot of energy by buying appliances that are energy efficient. These need not necessarily be more expensive than conventional. Moreover since they cut down on the energy you use ultimately your power bill gets reduced. This is the reason it wise to buy energy efficient appliance even if they are a  tad more expensive. The amount of money it will save you by cutting down on your power usage will make up for the extra dough you will be shelling out in the beginning. A

5.Use only those appliances which you will need. For example a 20watt power bulb can save up to 60 pounds in its entire lifetime as compared to a 100 watt power tube. So if you are in a place that douse not require much light then it is better to use the bulb than the tube light.

6.Use a boiler that is high in efficiency. This way the energy save would almost be enough to power around two million homes.

7.While boiling water use only as much water as you need. Moreover cover your pots and pans while cooking. This makes them the food get cooked faster thus saving on the amount of power usage by your kitchen appliances.

8.Try to use your dishwasher or washing machine to run always at full capacity. This will not necessitate its usage for more number of times that is necessary. The less amount of usage of these electrical appliance wil also reduce your bill manifold.

9.Turn down your central heating. Simply by turning down the central heating in your house you can save as much as up to 10% of our current electrical bill.

10.Use light bulbs and tubes that are energy efficient and do not waste power. It is assumed if all the homes of United Kingdom used energy efficient light source, then it would save enough power to give power to keep all the streetlights on the road.

For more energy saving ideas that can reduce your energy bills without affecting your standard of living, visit for our latest energy saving tips for homes.

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