Home Energy Saving Tips to Cut Your Energy Bills

July 20, 2010 · 1 comment

in Energy Saving

The easiest way to keep the lid on your home energy costs is to take a more proactive approach to how you and your family use energy around the house. Just by examining the infrastructure of your home and honestly evaluating your energy usage habits you will be able to identify several ways to cut your power bills.

For example, use electrical appliances at more cost-efficient times such as putting the washing machine on a timer and running it in the early hours. That will help keep power bills under control and in the process reduce the carbon emission burden on the planet.

You could even reduce your electricity and gas consumption by plugging the gaps where energy escapes through the roof, walls, doors and windows. Further tips on energy saving that cost nothing or very little include the following:

Close your curtains at dusk – this helps reduce heat escaping through the windows; Fit draught excluders on doors and windows, or just exclude draughts by using blankets; Turn down your thermostat. Even a 1°C reduction could cut your energy bills by 10 per cent; equating to an average saving of £55 per year; Set your water cylinder thermostat at 60°C (140°F); any higher and you will be wasting energy; When you leave a room turn out the lights and the TV. Indeed, don’t leave any appliances on standby as they still consume electricity; In winter when airing the house don’t open the windows then turn up the heating to compensate – it will simply escape straight into the atmosphere and your gas bill will go through the roof!

In addition to changing your habits, make sure that your home is energy efficient by checking that you are adequately insulated. Almost 50% of the heat supplied to the home will escape through the roof and walls. Your loft should be insulated up to a depth of 270mm and according to the Energy Saving Trust will, on average, reduce your power bills by around £150 per year.

One area where costs can be considerably trimmed in the long term is by installing a new gas boiler. Savings per year for a new A-rated boiler are estimated by the Energy Savings Trust to be in the region of £235 per year.

These tips are just the start. There are many other things that can be done to cut power consumption, around the home, but the main rule is always think about how you use energy and ask whether you can do it in a more energy efficient manner.

Adam Singleton writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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