Fall House Energy Savings Guide

May 10, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

Fall Home Energy Savings Tips: Preparing for the Winter

Whether you like it or not & whether you come prepared or not, winter is coming. So better not sit on your couch and wait for it to come like a dooms day, move & be prepared!

Winter means 1 thing: cold air. But for those who are conscious enough to notice, winter means larger electric bills. Yes, it’s true. Except summer, winter is the season of the year where your electric bills skyrocket to digits that cost you financial burden. Why? Because we have to warm our house. Our house must have the right temperature to give us comfort. & the groovy way to do it’s by turning on our heating system. This consumes the biggest portion of our electric bill. Fortunately, we have the whole Fall to prepare for it. & to prepare for it means that we need to have the right tool & suitable info on how to save throughout the coming season.

The hearth – Getting our fireplace ready will of course yield to better savings; and fall is the best time to neat and repair our hearth. Make sure that the dumper is firmly sealed when not using them. A tiny space would let the cold air rush in & send the warm air out. If you were using electric heating system, an opening on the hearth would mean bigger work to maintain the place warm. Let professional contractor to do the suitable maintenance. They are of course more capable in securing your hearth.

When you decide to use the hearth, you can turn down your heater. This will save you as much as 8% on heating cost.

The kiln – The kiln will work extra effort if the filter is full of dirt. This will equate to energy waste since the kiln will consume more power against the service it brings. To avoid this, make sure that your filter is neat. The proprietor’s manual will inform you how to neat the filter. A neat filter will let you breath clean air around your home. A clean filter saves you five% on heating cost.

The duct – Small leaks on duct will of course result to lost heat so verify that this is in a regular manner checked. In most cases ducts are located on unheated places. This is another reason why heat is lost. Insulate the ducts by wrapping it with R-six or higher fiberglass. In no way use cloth-backed tapes. You may also wrap them with UL-authorized tinny or plastic tapes & mastic sealants. The note that leaking ducts work 30% more on your heating system so verify they are sealed & secured.

The solar heat – You need not have solar panels on your roof to use the sun as the source of heat. All you have to do is use open your draperies during the day to warn your room without using electricity. Just close them in the evening to keep the warm air inside. Reduction of the use of heating system throughout the day will let you cut as much as ten% on your electric consumption.

The openings – Openings on your gates, windows, joints and sills will let the cold air outside to go in & the warm air from the inside to exit. Verify that these openings are sealed with either sealant or weatherstripping. It will assistance reduce the work of the heating system immensely.

The thermostat – A programmable thermostat or a centralized heating system will let you save on the heating cost. The programmable thermostat will let you set your yearned for room temperature on a specific period of the day. This is a lot of handy if you’re leaving your house or are gonna sleep overnight. The centralized heating system on the other hand will give you the ultimate control on the temperature of every room. These 2 will let you decide how warm a room may be. 1 arousing curiosity thing to note is that a centigrade lower on your heating system will let your save as much as five% on your heating cost.

The water heater – Households can set the heating system between 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is ideal on both trailer homes & regular homes.

Need more information? Visit www.The-Handyman-Guy.com/HomeEnergy/ and receive a copy of my eBook call by a title “How To make Your Home Energy And Cost Efficient”.

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