Energy Saving Tips That Save You Money

September 15, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

We all know that our planets resources are running out at an ever increasing rate, but did you know that there are some small, simple energy saving tips that you can follow that can save you a lot of money over a year, as well as help save the environment. If you follow all, or even some, of the tips below, you can actually see a real difference to your utility bills.

In a typical modern house, electrical appliances and electronics, such as TV’s and computers, make up about 20% of total energy use.

The first tip is to look for Energy Star labels when you are buying new appliances. Energy Star labels are strict guidelines created by your local governing body which rate the appliance for energy efficiency. You can be assured that appliances which carry this label are as energy efficient as you can get.

Turn Off all Appliances Not in Use: The simplest, and most obvious piece of advice I can give you, but often the most overlooked. Turn off all lights, computers, and electronics when they are not in use. Never use standby mode overnight as it still uses up to 25% of the energy that the appliance consumes when its switched on. Standby mode can also create a fire hazard!

Light bulbs: Use energy saving bulbs instead of the conventional light bulbs. Although energy saving bulbs cost 3-5 times as much as the standard light bulb, they only use one-quarter of the electricity and lasts many times longer. Remember though, that each energy saving bulb contains 5mg of mercury so you will have an extra item to sort in the recycling bin.

Dishes: Always run your dishwasher on a full load – anything less is simply wasting water and energy as it takes the same amount to wash a single plate as it does a full load. Air-dry your dishes instead of using a dryer.

Laundry: Set your wash program to use 40 degree was or less if you can. Instead of using a dryer, air-dry or hang your clothes on a clothes line. As with dishwashers, don’t use the dryer unless you can fill it up.

Refrigerators: Think of what you want to take out before you open the refrigerator. Leaving the door open will waste extra energy.

Take more Showers and fewer Baths: Taking showers instead of baths will reduce water usage and also lower your heating bill. Of course, it’s always great fun to share a bath if you have a willing partner.
Insulate your windows And Doors: Check windows and doors for air leaks. Air leaks can be sealed by caulking or weather-stripping. By securing the leaks in your home, hot and cool air will be kept in your home longer. Less heating and cooling will help you save on energy costs.

Lag your loft and insulate your walls. If your home will allow it you should immediately lag your loft with good quality fibreglass insulation. Almost 80% of the heat lost from a house is lost by convection through the roof space. Loft insulation is the single most effective way to reduce your heating costs – a significant part of your overall energy bill. If you have cavity walls, you should also seek to insulate them using a specialist service. Again, like loft insulation, although this can be a bit expensive, the long term savings will more than pay for the cost of the work.

Another great way to save money and lower your energy bills is to generate your own renewable energy at home. I have found a website called that explains how to harness wind, solar and other types of renewable energy sources right at home and to get free electricity for life. Combined with these energy saving tips above, you can really save money and help the environment.

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