Electric Energy Saving Device-Amazing New Energy Saving Devices That Can Help You To Save Money

June 25, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

One of the major shortfalls of Electric Energy Saving Device of the past was that for the most part, they simply weren’t cost effective. Sure the technology was amazing and very heartening to see it come up, but face the facts. In the end, it was always cheaper to just keep on wasting the electricity. Seriously! Who would spend $100 to save $20? It was, to say the least, a very tough sell.

There Was Always the Convenience Issue:

At the same time convenience was always an issue. You see, as much as people wanted and in some cases were even willing to pay for these earlier energy saving products for the home, they tended to be bulky and not very easy to apply. What was need were “simple to use” compact solid state devices that could be simply plugged in and used just like an alarm clock.

1-TV Standby Time Is Like Throwing Away Money While You Sleep

So now check out new affordable compact Electric Energy Saving Device like  the new Electric Energy Saving Device
TV standby saver. “Say what!?” “So what on earth does it do to save me money?” OK! Get ready because this happens to be one of the most common sense home Electric Energy Saving Device out there. What it does is completely eliminate TV power standby time.

2-This One Pays For Its self Very Quickly – Then the Rest Is Pure Savings

You see, when your TV is turned off, it is still drawing power to remain active for when the clicker is used to turn it on. Up to 70% of normal operating power is used while your TV is “turned off”! This device plugs into the power outlet and then the TV is plugged into it, completely shutting off all power to your TV. Simply press the on button for the TV on your remote and power is resumed to your TV and it comes on just like normal.

3-Finally Cheap Replaceable Energy Saving “Curly” Bulbs

Another clever innovation involves those Electric Energy Saving Device “screw in light bulbs” with the “curly tubes” that replace normal energy gulping bulbs. They are a fantastic bulb but if you’ve gone and checked them out at the home supply store, they can be a little pricey. You see, its the complex electrical hardware contained in their base that keeps their cost up. The “curly bulbs” are in fact cheap to manufacture.

Who’s the Genius That Thought Of That?!

Some solutions are just too easy and its scary that it took so long for someone to figure them out. You see, now you can buy these energy scrimping bulbs as a two part system. This means that while you do pay for the expensive base as with other bulbs of this type, there is one big difference. That is when the bulb burns out, you simply unplug the “curly bulb section” and plug a new replacement back on the base. You use the base over and over again!

No More Wondering About Electric Energy Saving Device The third device is one that you will wonder how you have been getting along with one all these years without. Its a small compact energy monitor with an easy to read screen. Simply plug it into the wall socket, then plug ?whatever? into it and with a quick glance you can see how much electricity the device is using. Hey! Its great for room-mate situations to settle any questions about energy consumption.

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