How to install your autodesk solfware. SAVE 90% OFF ALL SOFTWARE. Grange Insurance Audubon Center is an 18000 square-foot urban ecology learning center. it’s located on a brownfield site, in the Scioto Audubon Metro Park near downtown Columbus, Ohio. The challenge for architects DesignGroup and structural engineers Shelley Metz Baumann Hawk (SMBH) was to develop a facility that would become a model for sustainable design and environmental education. The facility also had to meet the client’s needs for aesthetics and cost effectiveness. DesignGroup and SMBH used their expertise in sustainability and combined it with Building Information Modeling (BIM) to deliver a coordinated approach to the challenge. Working with Autodesk® Revit® Architecture and Autodesk® Revit® Structure software, the team effectively used modeling tools to study various design options. They made design changes with automatic updates to the model, and closely monitored how the different design options would impact the project budget. Autodesk solutions enabled the team to create a building that maximizes its energy-saving passive-solar design. It reduces summer heat gain and incorporates a range of green features, including ground-source heat pumps, low-water-usage plumbing and many durable and recycled materials. Using BIM also helped the team produce a model comprehensive enough to deliver the data and calculations needed for LEED Gold certification. Experience the latest …
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