From the category archives:


Shredman Of Florida LLC Tampa, FL

August 5, 2010

Shredman Of Florida LLC Tampa, FL Supermedia, Bins , Certified Document Destruction , Commercial Paper Shredders , Confidential Information Destruction , Document Destruction , Document Security , Document Shredding , Express Shredding , Free Estimates , Legal Documents , Lockable Security Containers , Mixed Paper Recycling , Mobile Shredding , Off-Site Shredding , On-Site […]

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GREEN PUG RECYCLES! and changes lightbulb, carpools…

August 5, 2010 Pug sorts paper from plastic, rides mass transit, swaps carrots for cows and a whole bunch of other stuff that proves being green is totally easy! ** Song is Ray Charles’ rendition of Kermit’s ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’ ** Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Two cards with handmade paper

August 5, 2010

Image taken on 2009-04-30 17:45:53 by Boby Dimitrov. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The Central Coast Raptors

August 5, 2010

In February 2008 a new waste contract commenced between Gosford City, Wyong Shire and Thiess Services. Gosford continued to use the existing 3-bin-system, whereas the Wyong service was altered to implement the 3-bin-system, with residents originally using a split garbage/recycling bin and a green-waste bin. As a part of the new contract, a brand new […]

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Reuse and Rewear – 5 Repurposing Tips

August 4, 2010

There is a lot of talk in the eco friendly world about recycling. Recycling, is of course highly important if we are to ensure the generations to come, are not burdened with our waste, but there is more to recycling than just placing our glasses and paper in recycling bins. Repurposing is a form of […]

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Recycle electronics – Tips, Advice And The Benefits

August 4, 2010

Taking a moment to reflect on our environmental condition, and the worsening issue of e-waste, I would like to take the time to discuss how we can recycle electronics, what electronics we can recycle and what are the benefits to ourselves and others when we take the necessary sites to recycle our electronics, whether they […]

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Fungi Is A Premier Food That Will Go With Anything

August 4, 2010

Mushrooms fall into the love/hate category.  You either love ’em or …… not so much.  Kinda like George W, Eminem, country music, and Jim Carey.  No middle ground.  Regardless of which group you inhabit, mushrooms have long been the subject of great fascination. They are found the world over and date back throughout man’s history.  […]

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Phonat – “Learn to recycle”

August 4, 2010

7 foot Italian electro wunderkid Phonat’s defining work of leftfield genius is “Learn to recycle”. Described by a leading London A&R man as “Bohemian Rhapsody for the acid generation”, Learn to recycle is initially an academic exercise – to render the traditional categories of electronic music redundant by making a track which includes hip hop […]

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oude computers it-recycling

August 4, 2010

oude computers, it-recycling, vernietiging van data op harddisks. De specialist voor de afvoer van afgeschreven computers. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Some Multi-purpose Recycled Promotional Gifts

August 4, 2010

Using recycled promotional gifts in your promotional campaigns can not only help your organisation but also the society at large which will go a long way in enhancing its reputation. By disseminating eco-friendly recycled promotional gifts in your campaigns, your organisation will also get an opportunity to do its part for the development of the […]

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Good Credit? Good for Whom?

August 3, 2010

Normal 0 The people who govern America on all levels have a tendency to place the burden for solving problems on consumers. But consumers cannot solve the problems they are encouraged to solve. Some are simply unwilling to do what is required, some cannot afford to do what is required, and some who are […]

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