From the category archives:


Glass Artistry From Puerto Vallarta

June 7, 2010

Fine art takes many forms, and artists work in a vast array of mediums. Mexican artisans and artists who work in glass create some of the most distinctive and loveliest pieces, artistic and practical. Hand-blown Mexican glassware is distinctive for its vibrant, glowing colors and softly rounded shapes. While you are staying in a Mexican […]

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Printer Toner Cartridge Recycling

June 7, 2010

  Printer toner cartridge recycling should be encouraged for the benefits it offers. Some people do not even know what happens to a cartridge once its uses are over. Most empty cartridges are thrown away in wastebaskets. The waste in the basket is then dumped in garbage trucks. The contents of the garbage truck […]

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Recycling At Home And Work

June 7, 2010

The bins cover a host of recycling goods such as: Food waste. Garden waste – Grass cuttings, wood, leaves. Paper and cardboard. Metals – Tins. Plastics – Bottles, envelopes. Recycling all of the above helps us to reduce our CO2 emissions by reducing the amount that goes landfill sites up and down the country. Although […]

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The Importance of Consuming Food Containing Vitamin B12

June 7, 2010

Cobalamin, more commonly known as vitamin B12, is vital for the role it plays in the synthesis of DNA and RNA(2). Vitamin B12 aids in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, and in the formation of red blood cells. It also helps keep neurological balance. The dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency A vitamin B12 deficiency […]

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Sesame Street – “Recycling Blues”

June 6, 2010

The Spanish version sounds a lot better. Earth Day Playlist: Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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neck tie dress | recycled fashion portrait

June 6, 2010

Image taken on 2009-06-02 12:48:56 by Adam Foster | Codefor. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycling Ideas to Share With your Child

June 6, 2010

When time nears for a child to leave the nest, most parents feel both joy and dread. Many parents make that transition gracefully with the child who is not disabled. However, parents of children with dual sensory impairments or other severe disabilities are often confronted with issues they have never before considered. Although this can […]

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June 6, 2010

Image taken on 2010-04-22 10:08:19 by steevithak. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Iron, Benefits of Iron, Iron Deficiency and Iron Rich Foods

June 5, 2010

Iron is an essential mineral for life. It is found in the red blood cells of the body and is also needed to produce red blood cells. Most of the iron in the body is attached to the haemoglobin molecules in red blood cells, thereby transporting oxygen to all the tissues of the body. […]

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Argumental – Recycling Is A Waste Of Time

June 5, 2010

Straight forward For vs Against round from Series 1 Episode 8 of Argumental. Topic: Recycling Is A Waste Of Time. Rufus Hound argues FOR while Mark Watson argues AGAINST. Argumental is shown on Dave and now also BBC2 Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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What is Food and What it is Not

June 5, 2010

1. Commercial animals that are used for food are unnatural as in “crossbred, hybrid”. As with commercial produce, their genes are artifically altered by scientists. The “improved” animals that are reproduced from this nonsense are out of balance with Nature. They are continuing to try to improve on the poor pig, as in breeding in […]

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