From the category archives:


Food Shopping Tips

June 9, 2010

These days, maybe more than ever, we are all looking for ways to stretch our hard-earned dollars. One of the largest expenditures for most families is the weekly food budget. With careful planning and common sense, you can come out ahead in the “Supermarket Sweepstakes.” Our focus is on the regular, weekly shopping trips in […]

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Bottle Bank Arcade – The fun theory by Volkswagen

June 9, 2010

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Appliance Recycling Waste restricted funds into the biggest-name Army short board – no-name, product, waste – The HC Network Appliance Industry

June 9, 2010

Improper recycling more dangerous than direct disposal We often say that China is a home appliance producing countries, but often overlooked this also means that we are bound to be discarded appliances power. Data show that China now TV Machine, Washing machine , Refrigerators, Air conditioning Devices, Computer Five categories of social ownership in household […]

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Go Green for Preschool: Using Recyclables to Teach Your Child

June 9, 2010

Under your supervision, your child’s booster seat at the kitchen table can be transformed temporarily into a “school desk”, on which fun, homemade manipulatives can be sorted and formed into letters and numbers. If you cringe at the mentioned of the word “homemade” and think only the “Martha Stewarts” of the world can handle that-be […]

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05 battery recycling

June 8, 2010

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Should Recycled Holiday Cards Look Like They’re Printed on Recycled Paper?

June 8, 2010

As the holiday season approaches, it is time to begin thinking about ordering the annual holiday greeting cards for friends, family, business associates and customers.  Given the environmental concerns this year, sending holiday cards printed on recycled paper would seem to make good common sense.   When shopping for recycled holiday cards there […]

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Recycling And Reusing Tissue Paper

June 8, 2010

Our top tips on packaging series continues with helpful hints on reusing your tissue and paper packaging. 3 reasons to reuse your tissue paper and paper packaging 1)   As pressure on the environment and the need for the nation to economise grows, it’s now critical to conserve and reuse packaging. 2)   Reusing packaging is the […]

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Tips to Use Less Water in your Thriving Organic Food Garden

June 8, 2010

Water is arguably our most precious resource. All living things need water to survive. But we don’t just want our productive organic food gardens to survive, we want them to thrive! And a growing plant uses a lot more water than one that is just surviving. Every part of the plant growing process uses water. […]

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Recycle Those Flowers

June 8, 2010

Nothing adds loveliness to a room quite like a bouquet of fresh flowers. Flowers evoke the nicest human feelings. It has become a special part of our weddings, debuts, graduations, proms, Christmases and all other special occasions and celebrations. Beautiful red roses reminds us of our romantic first dates. It makes us think of how […]

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How to Recycle Printer Cartridges in San Diego

June 8, 2010

Recycling printer cartridges is not just some growing fad that is happening these days.  It is a sign that many people are finally taking seriously the call to conserve the planet’s dwindling natural resources and to save it from further harm caused by waste products.  The additional bonus is that people can actually save money, […]

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First Solar’s Collection and Recycling Program – German Version

June 7, 2010

PV Module Collection and Recycling: Closing the Loop to Create Truly Sustainable Energy Solutions Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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