From the category archives:


Glass Tile Gaining Favor Again

June 10, 2010

Glass tile is steadily becoming more popular with interior designers and consumers alike. But its popularity is far from being new. The decorative and functional qualities of glass tiles and mosaics have been appreciated for centuries. In fact, they were in use during the days of the Roman Empire. The biggest difference between the early […]

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Wrekin Windows – Leading Way To Recycling Plastic

June 10, 2010

Wrekin Windows is part of a major PVC-U recycling business in the UK with national operations covering the UK, Ireland and several other European countries. We recycle over 50% of available PVC-U waste in the British Isles and are strongly established as the market and technology leader. Our principal market is the manufacturing sector and […]

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Dekura The Leading Way To Recycling Plastic *UPDATED*

June 10, 2010

Dekura is the major PVC-U recycling business in the UK with national operations covering the UK, Ireland and several other European countries. We recycle over 50% of available PVC-U waste in the British Isles and are strongly established as the market and technology leader. Our principal market is the manufacturing sector and in particular producers […]

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How is Recycled Paper Made?

June 10, 2010

With the rising cost of gas getting so much attention we are beginning to take a more serious look at our environment.  Everyone has heard the term “recycled paper” but how many of us really know what that means?  Here is a brief explanation of how recycled paper is made. In very simple terms, […]

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Recycling Bins and the Different Recycling Waste

June 10, 2010

Recycling is now compulsory in many areas of the country. It is no longer something that just a few people do that are conscious about the environment. Recycling is now a prerequisite for many householders and is often enforced with fines or a refusal to collect rubbish. But is can be a confusing issue, especially […]

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How Do They Do It? – Airplane Recycling

June 10, 2010

How airplanes are recycled. Hate to see those poor planes get torn up. I’d give ’em a good home. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wastes & Recycling – Rubbish Removals

June 9, 2010

Recycling today has become a necessity rather than a fad that it once was. With dwindling resources and increasing costs for raw materials and landfill, recycling seems to be an easy way to take care and save money for our community. Recycling involves the processing of used materials and resources into new products that can […]

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June 9, 2010

Atık plastik malzemeyi yeniden kullanılabilir granül haline getirmek için kullanılan makinaların tümüne verilen addır. PE, PP,PVC,ABS, PS malzemenin geri dönüşümünde kullanılır.Yüksek kaliteli malzemeden tamamen CE ve ISO standartlarına uygun olarak üretilmektedir. Makinamız tüm güvenlik şartnamelerine uygun olup, CE, TSE, ISO 9001, GOST-R, Garanti ve Satış Sonrası Servis Yeterlilik belgelerine sahiptir. Detaylı bilgi, görüntü ve resimler […]

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OneSteel Recycling Oakland, ME

June 9, 2010

OneSteel Recycling Oakland, ME Supermedia, Aluminum Recycling , Car Crushing , Destruction Certificates , Drop Off Services , Electronics Recycling , Glass Recycling , Hole Punching , Hydraulic Guillotine Shears , Industrial Recycling , Light Iron Services , Mixed Paper Recycling , Multi- Material Recovery Facility , Municipal Recycling Programs , Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling […]

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Recycling And The Packaging You Use

June 9, 2010

Any time you unwrap a food product, you should know that its packaging is the result of a lot of careful planning. Recycling definitely goes into that planning, and the packaging industry is a huge proponent and advocate of recycling efforts around the world. Going forward, you can expect to see even more evidence for […]

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Ed Byrne – on Christmas Recycling

June 9, 2010

Ed gives us his thoughts on Christmas and the cards and rubbish left behind. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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