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Energy Saving

Will Energy-Saving Lightbulbs Help Fight Global Warming

May 12, 2010

The European Union is imposing a ban on conventional light bulbs, replacing them with energy-saving bulbs. That ban would fully be in effect within two years, forcing all 490 million citizens of the EU’s member states to switch from the current conventional lights they now have. However, some problems of this plan have been […]

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How to Build Your Own Energy Saving Products

May 11, 2010

Sooner or later, there is going to have to be a better solution than conserving energy and drilling more oil wells. Not only are we endangering our future and the future of the next generations,we can’t seem to get around the politics of today to really put some bite into alternative energy products.  What intrigues […]

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Fall House Energy Savings Guide

May 10, 2010

Fall Home Energy Savings Tips: Preparing for the Winter Whether you like it or not & whether you come prepared or not, winter is coming. So better not sit on your couch and wait for it to come like a dooms day, move & be prepared! Winter means 1 thing: cold air. But […]

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Energy Saving Window Film – Let the Light In

May 9, 2010

Everyone wants a home that is bright and cheery and filled with light. Not only is natural light healthier for your body and energy system than artificial light but it also cuts down on the energy costs of using more artificial lights in the home. Having lots of windows to let in the natural […]

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energy saving lightbulbs (2)

May 8, 2010

Image taken on 2007-01-01 14:45:57 by Paul Keller. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Easy Energy Saving

May 7, 2010

Its true to say that our lives are getting busier. We’re working harder than ever and finding less and less time to do the things that we really want to do. Think you are too busy to be green? Think again. Ariel and environmental expert Joanna Yarrow have put together a vodcast to show you […]

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Calculate Square Footage Into Energy Savings With Window Coverings

May 7, 2010

Blind Coverings are the best way to conserve energy when it seems impossible in the hot Arizona summer months; however, blinds make a difference. Blind Chalet has created an energy calculator to give customers an idea of the impact. Window treatments are an efficient and cost effective way to conserve energy. During the summer […]

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Energy Saving Trust Recommended Bosch Dishwashers

May 6, 2010

As with many of Bosch’s kitchen appliances, Bosch dishwashers are available in three selections: Logixx, Exxcel and Classixxx. Logixx have the highest specification models within their selection, whereas Classixx dishwashers are basic, practical appliance, leaving the Exxcel selection somewhere in the middle of the range. The Logixx range of Bosch dishwashers is available in silver, […]

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SmartBlockPlus-isospan plus Formwork thermal for building energy saving Reducing CO2 emissions

May 5, 2010 New building tecnology of costruction concrete reinforced monolith fireproof wall . Innovative technology construction of Science & Emerging Technologies: Application of building energy saving The innovative technology Fortified insulated concrete forms by formwork blocks thermal acoustic “remain” EPS SmartBlockPlus o ICF for safer living program specifies construction of building echo compatible , design and […]

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energy saving lightbulbs (1)

May 3, 2010

Image taken on 2007-01-01 14:44:11 by Paul Keller. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Heat Pumps The Fuel Effect – how they work – energy saving – green – environmently friendly heating

May 2, 2010

Heat Pumps The Fuel Effect – how they work – energy saving – green – environment friendly heating. Peter Wickens and his team will assess your heating requirements Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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