Green Earth Machine Existent clean up efforts in the Gulf merely transfer the environmental consequences from one area to another as sand and pads are disposed in landfills at high financial cost or dispersants move the oil from the surface to the sea bottom. The GES/ACR solution utilizes a patented sorbent called RECOVERIT for which GES/ACR has exclusive distribution rights in North America. Currently manufactured only in Australia, Recoverit is a non-toxic, biodegradable, re-useable polymer which binds with the hydro-carbons in oil, attaching to the substance until separated in the extraction process. For the first time, oil contamination can be addressed by a method that removes the substance from the ecosystem permanently thus capping long-term liability arising from future claims of contaminated landfills and groundwater. Recoverit can be administered in one of four ways: Surface Dispersal; Adsorbent Socks and Pads; Sand and Soil Remediation; and Direct Application to contaminated wildlife and plants. This video highlights GES/ACR’s Green Earth Machine (GEM). Capable on processing up to 30 tons of material per hour, the machine is fully mobile allowing it to be deployed as close to the point of contamination as possible, such as on Gulf Coast beaches.
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