8 Steps To Being Environmentally Friendly

September 2, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Recycling and Environmental Sustainability Tips from Wanless

Environmentally friendly businesses reap the rewards of their hard work and efforts. New generations and an evolving society are leaning towards businesses that implement environmentally friendly processes. The advantages of these business practices are customer loyalty, providing a service not just a product, good staff morale, motivation and productivity, a leading edge over other competitors, and corporate responsibility.

Find below some steps that a local business can take in Creating a Better Environment. It\’s found that these steps are easy, effective, and cheap (or cost nothing at all!). Enjoy the satisfaction of setting a secure future for generations to come.  

1. Conserve energy by turning printing equipment, air conditioners and computers power off at the end of the day.

2. Natural light is free! Arrange work areas and desks so they are close to windows and educate staff to use natural light where possible.

3. Switch lights off in unoccupied areas and at the end of every day.

4. Utilise teleconference and videoconference facilities to reduce the amount of  travel required.

5. Improve business processes and efficiencies in terms of the materials used and waste produced.

6. Reduce the use of plastic carry bags and encourage staff to use reusable cloth bags.

7. Purchase remanufactured, environmentally friendly toner and printer cartridges and recycle them when empty.

8. Ensure all recyclable waste items are placed in recycling bins – paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, bottles and glass.

There it is. Effective yet simple steps to improve business morale, social responsibility, and business effiency. Create a plan and take on the steps that best fit the business. Review further down the track and make changes to help better move forward.


Through varied enterprises, and having made substantial investments in people and technology, Wanless Enviro Services has grown to be a major national force in the waste and recycling industries. Wanless believes that their focus on, and dedication to, environmental sustainability makes them unique within the sector. With over 50 years of experience in waste management and recycling industries, Wanless Enviro Services is well equipped to offer and implement the best waste management and recycling systems for you.

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