Types Of Renewable Energy Sources – Home Made Energy

August 17, 2010 · 0 comments

in renewable energy

What are the types of renewable energy sources? Read on and find out.

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The largest source of renewable energy is hydropower. This renewable source of energy provides ten percent of the nation’s electricity. Using hydropower does not release pollution. However, it can possibly harm fish and wildlife, displace people, and alter the quality of water. Therefore, better technology is trying to reduce the loss of aquatic life. This technology is highly expensive, though, and takes a long time to build.

Another source of energy is wind energy. Wind power is generated by erecting a large tower equipped with propellers that spin when the wind pushes the blades, which are connected to an electric generator. The wind rotates blades around a hub, which is connected to the main shaft. The main shaft spins a generator. The size of the turbines is determined by how much energy is needed. Small wind turbines are usually used for homes, farms, and ranches. Wind energy is also used to grind grain and pump water. The disadvantages of using wind energy, on the other hand, are as follows: This technology may be very expensive, the machinery is known to be noisy, birds have been killed by running into the turbines, and the wind might not be present at certain time throughout the year.

Solar energy is another type of renewable energy source. Photovoltaics or PV cells produce electricity from sunlight. Again, the major problem here is that many people cannot afford solar panels. In fact, this power resource costs more than other energy sources. Also, it tends to work effectively only when the sun is shining.

It is better to use other types of renewable energy sources. But then again, we still have to use some type of fossil fuels. We can, however, make the best choice by using natural gas for water heating and power appliance. Not only does it cost a lot less, but it is also better for the environment in which we live.

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This author writes about How To Generate Solar Energy and Home Made Energy


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