Energy Saving Lighting

July 18, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

You may think that upgrading to energy saving lighting options is heavy on the pocket and is also a very cumbersome process. Let’s clear that up right away. It is one of the most cost effective processes and has immense perks. Some people also believe that energy saving lights even look better and keep the space cooler.

If you want an instant upgrade to energy efficient light here are a few options.

Fluorescent Light

Fluorescent lights are different from incandescent lights. They are shaped like long hollow tubes that look like small water pipes. Fluorescent lights don’t have a heated filament inside it like incandescent light. That’s why it does not generate heat as much as an incandescent light does, which is prime reason of why it is so energy efficient and economical. People prefer fluorescent light to other lights as it gives a warmer glow to the space and makes it feel cosy.

LED Lighting

Many towns have saved money on power by switching from incandescent lights to light-emitting diode (LED) lights. They have are long lasting and require less energy to burn. You can save almost 60% of electricity by using LED lights. They have many applications – they can be used in parking lots, garages, parks, swimming pools. They are also a safer option for a household. They are pretty tough, so to say and cannot be damaged with external shocks unlike fluorescent and incandescent lights.

Fibre Optic Light

They are also energy efficient light as like LEDS lights and are water resistant and so can be installed for underwater applications. Fibre Optic lights are great option for the house as they do not emit heat thereby reducing your cooling costs which helps the environment in more ways than one.

Lamps and light

With new technology energy saving lamps are made in such a way that they can be solar powered, thus saving on costs. You also have solar light tubes that are easy-to-install and that channel sunlight from the roof down into room at the top floor and even to a space that doesn’t receive natural light of its own.

If you’re looking for LED lights, energy saving lamps or someone to help you with lighting designs in New Zealand you could consider Specialised Lighting Concepts for more information please visit

John Mackay is an Interior Designer and Lighting Consultant. He has an experience of more than 20 years in lighting assignments for Residential and Commercial Spaces. His consultation is a mix of both aesthetic as well as utility requirements. He is a blogger and an active contributor of his knowledge over the Internet.

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