Recycling At Home And Work

June 7, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

The bins cover a host of recycling goods such as:

Food waste.
Garden waste – Grass cuttings, wood, leaves.
Paper and cardboard.
Metals – Tins.
Plastics – Bottles, envelopes.

Recycling all of the above helps us to reduce our CO2 emissions by reducing the amount that goes landfill sites up and down the country.

Although we all seem to be getting better at recycling in the home one area where we let ourselves down is within the workplace. Many offices now offer a recycling area within its premises; this can sometimes be a long way from workers offices and desks which means that they are never utilised to their full capacity. Some offices/ workplaces do not even offering such a service; this doesn’t mean however that you should not recycle within your own office.

To make this process so much easier you can purchase specially designed bins that will help you recycle your office waste and make it easy to separate the items.

These bins come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit easily within your office and make recycling a breeze. You can have file size desktop bins that allow you to recycle unwanted paper like junk mail and bad print outs, you can have a bin to fit under your desk with three compartments that allow tins, bottles and paper to be separated at the source and there is also a small bin for used ink toners and cartridges. This really does make sense to have in your office as without moving from your desk you can recycle many items and do your bit for the environment.

The only downfall to this I hear you say is where do I take my waste once it is separated? Well if your workplace has a recycling area then you can take it there once or twice a week, if your workplace does not then you can always take it to a council run refuge centre as there will be one close by in your area.

Sometimes recycling can be a laborious task but by having specialist recycling bins within your office you can make it a simpler task. If it means having to take it out to a refuge area once a week then please do it as you can help save this beautiful world we live in for future generations.

Andrew Bartle is the Managing Director of Acorn Office Accessories LTD.

Acorn Offices only sells products which are manufactured from sustainably sourced materials, which also contain a high percentage of recycled paper fibres.

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