How to Build Your Own Energy Saving Products

May 11, 2010 · 0 comments

in Energy Saving

Sooner or later, there is going to have to be a better solution than conserving energy and drilling more oil wells. Not only are we endangering our future and the future of the next generations,we can’t seem to get around the politics of today to really put some bite into alternative energy products.  What intrigues me the most is when we simply don’t have any more money to throw at it as consumers, we start to conserve, in other words, we have to wait until our backs against the wall to do anything about anthing.  Simply, just the American way, it has always been that way, except now if we don’t do something about it, it will send a lot of us to the poor house!

Building Alternative Energy Products is the simplest solution, except we must divert some of our resources that we currently put towards current energy production and start using the billions of tons of energy the earth naturally produces on a daily basis. With the price of fossil fuels rising and the price of alternative energy products falling, and the ability to produce your own products is our next industrial revolution.

We enjoyed extreme economic growth and became the world’s leader in technology, manufacturing and production of many things in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. We won wars with the ability of mass production and technology, because we came together for a common cause and need, we need to do the same now. Our wealth, our American icons, our country is being bought by other countries, whom over time we have made mega wealthy, yes we, you, me your family, neighbors, friends, everyone. We need to take our country back, starting today!

Our dependency on these foreign countries has left us in a very big mess, we must detach ourselves and start using alternative energy products now. This means the great minds that developed things back in the 18 and 1900’s will have to re-juvinate through our current young and inventive minds. We all must find a way to use less by using the resources given to us everyday right in your own yard.  If you are handy you can build your own energy saving products, if you are not here is a suggestion, get someone who is and offer them a partnership to sell energy products with you, or just simply hire them to make yours.

Thanks for joining me in the fight for our country back.

You can get information on building you own alternative energy products on our website.

See our Website

I was a general contractor for over 20 years and have built new homes, remodeled and done many odds and end repairs. I have recently moved into the alternative energy business and it is booming, with the increased cost of fossil fuels, we are somewhat forced to go in another direction. I know my articles will be informative and hope they help you.

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