Obama Public Service

April 27, 2010 · 0 comments

in green gas

Go to PoliSat.Com . Barack Obama, Joe Biden, international crisis, taxation, spreading the wealth by income distribution, unions, secret voting, education vouchers, driling for oil and gas, energy, conservation, wind, solar, Big Oil and Gas, Joe the Plumber, news media, talk radio, John McCain, Sarah Palin, (Or go go PoliSat.Com ) Also Go to PoliSat.Com . Barack Obama articulates Obamism or Obamadigmism — ie, the Obamadigm Paradigm Change. It’s the political philosophy he articulated as “spreading the wealth” in response to a question to him by “Joe the Plumber” objecting to the unfairness of taxing him as a small- business owner in order to distribute parts of his earnings to non-tax-paying people as well as to people paying less taxes than he. What’s the “change” Obama offers to voters? Changing “other people’s property from ‘theirs’ to ‘yours.'” Obama favors “spreading the wealth” by taking from those with more to give it to those with less is indistinguishable from the principle of Marxims– from each according to his ability and to each according to his need. Go to PoliSat.Com . Barack Obama, FannieMae, FreddieMac, Jim Johnson, Frank Raines, Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, Financial Black Holes for Obama, LOOTERS for Obama. To learn how young voters can prove they have enough attention span and knowledge of the issues, facts and history to responsibly choose between between the Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin tickets, go to PoliSat.Com . Election 2008 Campaign 2008

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