Green Careers: Recycling (clip)

April 6, 2010 · 7 comments

in recycling

The recycling industry is still in its infancy but is growing fast with everything we buy, consume, and then throw away. This program introduces job opportunities in recycling including a profile of an electronics recycling start-up and a San Francisco municipal program to recycle cooking oil into biodiesel fuel. Job opportunities in recycling include collection, transportation, receiving and sorting, disassembly, handling hazardous materials, scheduling, operations, and plant management. Recycling provides opportunities for young people to start with a temporary or part-time job, then move up to supervisory and management responsibilities. The biggest challenge in recycling is developing innovative and environmentally sensitive solutions for recycling a wider array of materials. The government is a large factor in the growth of this industry, and often pays private companies to recycle. But for anyone who is entrepreneurial and can figure out a new way to reuse what other people discard, recycling can offer a very worthwhile and profitable career. 22 minutes, color. direct link to purchase the DVD: Jobs profiled in this program include: E-Waste Entrepreneur, Plant Manager, Biofuel Coordinator, Truck Driver. Grade Levels: 7 to Adult

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