Tips for Going Green With Office Paper Recycling

April 2, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Are you or your office staff looking to turn your office a little greener by recycling your discarded papers and documents. If you are then you are not alone, as it is a growing trend that is definitely here to stay. So how do you go about it? Is there some type of recycler that will come and pick your papers up?

A Bit of a Hassle

The truth of the matter, is that you will have to deliver them to a recycling station yourself. Also, your discarded papers will have to be kept in a clean dry receptacle as well. If they get wet you are on your own. Also, you will have to find a recycling center that has 24 hour drop off, or has a schedule that you can fit into.

A Worthy Cause

Once you get going, you will find in short order that it is all a big hassle and the more papers that you have to bigger the hassle is. However; it really is all worth it, because it helps to preserve forests, which are the lungs of the earth that gobble up greenhouse gases.

All Shredding Services Recycle

What more business that are going the green route are choosing to do, is to have a document shredding service pick up their discarded papers and documents. Not only will they provide a secure water tight locking container for you to keep them in but they recycle as well.

A Cost Effective Alternative

Virtually every shredding service that is in operation in the U.S., Canada and Europe recycles every piece of paper that they handle and most of them can also provide you with a “paper recycling” sticker to place somewhere on your business which is great PR in this day and age. Do the math on the time and gas that it would take to haul your scrap paper yourself and you will most likely find that a recycling service is the cheaper alternative.

Article on Daniel Mummskey. Find the latest details on Office Paper Recycling plus the best on Paper Shredding Services

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