Top 7 Myths About Environmentally Friendly Cars

December 14, 2009 · 0 comments

in green transportation

One can never believe every word in online or newspaper articles by 100 percent because there are always misconceptions and false information. When it comes to green cars, which include electric, cell-powered, hybrid and solar cars, we discover several myths about them as well. Some of them are just useful for car manufacturers; the others come as a result of common misunderstanding. Nevertheless one should think those facts over if one considers buying a green car.

Myth #1 – Greenest Cars Are Very Expensive

Most people believe that environmentally friendly cars are sold at a high price and are not affordable for people with low income. However there are some electric cars that cost as much as average gasoline vehicles.

Myth #2 – With a Green Car There Are No High Maintenance Expenses

Even though a green car may seem to be a reliable mechanism made of durable parts, driving and using such a car has some hidden maintenance expenses. Since electric cars run on rechargeable batteries they need to be recharged quite often which might be rather costly considering the price for electricity nowadays. Moreover sooner or later rechargeable batteries will have to be replaced with new ones which are quite expensive as well.

Myth #3 – Greenest Cars Are The Most Environmentally Friendly

It’s true that green cars help to reduce pollution and produce less exhaust fumes than most conventional gasoline vehicles but as a matter of fact greenest cars are not that green. Even though some hybrid cars run on electric power or hydrogen at low speeds combined with usage of a gasoline engine only at higher speeds, they still use a lot of gas and do pollute the atmosphere. Some specialists believe that buying a small economy car is more environmentally friendly than buying a powerful hybrid car.

Myth #4 – Greenest Cars Are Widely-Spread

With all the big talk and spirited debates about green cars one may come to a conclusion that these cars are best-selling, widely-distributed and they start “driving” gasoline cars out of the car market. However the production of green cars makes only 1.8 percent of the whole US car market and it will take quite a long time before they start playing any considerable part in it.

Myth #5 – All Green Cars Are Absolutely Safe

Driving some types of environmentally friendly cars such as most cell-powered and some hybrid cars with hydrogen engines makes them extremely dangerous on the road. In case of any collision the explosion of hydrogen accompanied by oxygen which is also used in such engines might cover vast areas.

Myth #6 – Most Green Cars Are Small and Uncomfortable Inside

This statement might be fair only if we talk about such a representative of green cars as a Smart car. However the majority of environmentally friendly cars is as spacious as conventional vehicles and has a rather big storage space.

Myth #7 – Electric Cars Can Operate Long Hours without Recharging

In fact most electric cars can be driven only 35 miles. After that the batteries need to be recharged. Thus if you travel long distances by car an electric vehicle is not what you need.

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