Save the Planet by Go Green

December 5, 2009 · 0 comments

in green living

The ozone layer has diminished constantly in the last decades and the mountains of trash have grown bigger and bigger from year to year. The concentration of dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or methane endangers people’s life more than ever. Besides that, the forests are getting less day by day and a lot of animal species are disappearing every decade.

To stop, or at least minimize the effects of pollution on Earth people should have more respect towards the planet they live on. Turning back to nature should be the step that the entire world’s population should do. Here are some ideas about how to go green.

The first thing that an inhabitant of the world should do is decrease the amount of energy used. This understood turning on the light and the heat only when is necessary, turning off the TV when nobody watches it and not wasting any electricity. The decrease of energy consumed by the population will lead to the reduction of gases from the atmosphere, as most of them are caused by the fossil fuel burning, such as coal, oil, gasoline and wood.

The pollution from the air usually goes back on earth through the so called “acid rains”. This term is a generic one, which also includes the poisoned snow, sleet, hail and even fog. The less energy is used, the less the air and earth are poisoned.  

The water is also a major problem in modern life. Finding fresh, good water has become a challenge for most of the people around world, as much of the water supplies have been either depleted or polluted by farmers and industry. Reducing the amount of water used in the homes could help preserve the water reserves for a longer period of time.

Moreover, using recycled paper, planting trees, take care of the wild animals from the area, choose organic food, creating a composite pile in the garden and giving up to the habit of throwing away things that can pollutes the environment can contributes to the salvation of the planet. Find more information from Green Living Home


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