From the monthly archives:

May 2011


May 10, 2011

Only local NAID Verified Secure Shredding vendor offering onsite and offsite shredding of confidential information. We offer free shred days, typically once a month to customers of our Storage and Imaging services. We also securely destroy hard drives, tape, and other forms of multi-media. Ask us about how you can receive free shredding service! Enjoyed […]

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Chop Shop – London Garage e06 p1

May 9, 2011

Bernie and Leepu have started building cars in London for Discovery Channel’s ‘Chop Shop: London Garage’. This time they are making a eco-friendly car. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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2010.05.08 (Sat) 꿈속의 여행

May 9, 2011 2010.05.08 (Sat) ‘꿈속의 여행’ Guitar 이동섭 Bass 장철호 Drum 최동경 Piano 문혜주 Green travel 자작곡을 중심으로한 친숙하면서도 깊이를 추구하는 퓨전재즈 밴드이다 즉흥연주와 앙상블의 조화를 추구하는 Green travel의 음악을 즐겨보자. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Warringah Shire Clean-Up

May 9, 2011

After five long years of waiting prior to shooting this, I got to film the clean-up! Here you’ll see one of the former vegetation trucks servicing some nice set-outs along a little section of a quiet street. There are some nice potentially destructive items in this video… starting with a sofa! 😀 Hope you enjoy […]

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In the Garden, Spider plants, How to with Houseplants

May 9, 2011

Spider plants brought to you by … today we are gonna talk aboout Spider plants and how to reproduce thee small plantlets that the mother plant is produces It is a very popular houseplant. native to South America but naturalized in warm parts of United States; & a popular plant with beginners, as it […]

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Turning Green

May 9, 2011

Turning Green, a non-profit student organization, held the Live Green Festival in order to promote green living and eco-friendly products. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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LiveEnergy (Demeter) Plugin for SketchUp

May 9, 2011

A building energy analysis tool for Sketchup (formerly called Demeter), demonstrating how it uses Sketchup and the Green Building Studio web service. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How to safely thaw a frozen Centrifuge

May 9, 2011 Colder temperatures mean that things will start to freeze in our part of world very soon. The centrifuge bowl is no exception. Whenever you initially start the centrifuge in colder weather it is a good practice to connect a steam hose to the feed tube and thaw the centrifuge bowl. Even when the bowl […]

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Vlog Uni.

May 8, 2011

Arrgh I was so busy doing essays I forgot StarWars day and Hanko de Mayo 🙁 So this is just a quick video for Vlog University and iJustine, I decided to make it sort of Vlog style but differently, that didn’t make much sense but yeah I didn’t want to just have a random video […]

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ArrowBio Video Clip English.wmv

May 8, 2011

Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Power Penguins Grocery Store Energy Study

May 8, 2011

Team 2877 of FIRST Lego League (FLL) presents their study of grocery store energy usage for the Power Puzzle research presentation. The video pauses for team members to deliver a live message. Derek: CARS Changing the way you drive or maintain your car to the store can reduce your costs by over 26%. Fuel can […]

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