From the monthly archives:

May 2011

Volunteer Work In Jamaica Changed Holly’s Life

May 10, 2011 Holly Volunteered at SOS Childrends Village and left a piece of her heart in Jamaica Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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New Table Tops

May 10, 2011

A group of table tops we are making at our workshop here in Minneapolis. All either reclaimed or FSC certified wood. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Blissmo: discover organic products at a discount. | Interview w/ Sundeep Ahuja

May 10, 2011 http Sundeep Ahuja, founder of Blissmo, talks about the role consumers can play in promoting sustainability with our purchases. Blissmo aims to help consumers discover new sustainable products while offering savings as an extra incentive to try out organic and eco-friendly brands. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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EM Porta-Pad

May 10, 2011

How to fold an Earth Monkeys’ Porta-Pad Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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JunkGuysHouston Junk Removal Service

May 10, 2011

We remove your waste, rubbish, clutter, debris, garbage, trash, and junk from your home, garage, yard, farm, storage unit, and etc. Our Junkguy uniformed team shows up to your home and does all the work and labor necessary to keep you clutter free we sweep and clean even after we are done . Your junk […]

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SF Green Festival Demo.mpg

May 10, 2011

The place for Green everything, especially food! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Hitman Blood Money Review

May 10, 2011

The fourth Hitman game, now with more uniforms and better stealth. Extremely good game if you’re looking for alot of hours of fun on a modern system. Easily one of my favorite games. Overall score: 90% Game Rating: MA15+ Duration: 3-5 hours (with endless replay) Difficulty: Average Price: $10 US Replay value: Extreme Port to […]

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Dow Passive House

May 10, 2011

Energy conservation, global warming and the need for quality housing are all critical issues that face our world today, but the solutions can seem to be at cross-purposes: decreased emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) — a greenhouse gas — from energy use reductions in existing homes versus increased energy demand and emissions due to the […]

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2009 Aquascape Corporate Video

May 10, 2011

Visit our website at Aquascape is North Americas leading innovator in the water gardening _industry. Aquascape invented the low-maintenance, naturally balanced ecosystem pond that is the # 1 contractor-installed water garden. The St. Charles, Illinois headquarters, dubbed Aqualand, received Silver Level recognition in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating […]

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Grand Designs Eco House

May 10, 2011

The Crossway Eco Home, situated near Staplehurst, featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs and one of the UK’s first “zero-carbon” homes. . Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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May 10, 2011

environment of chaimongkolsathan Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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