From the monthly archives:

May 2011

Organic Shopping Adventures in Australia’s Sunshine Coast

May 12, 2011 Today, we’re going to be doing things a little bit differently. We’re going to be taking a look at organic farming and organic shopping. We’re going to go on an adventure to the local markets and have a chat to some of the farmers about how they get the food from the trees all […]

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Dominica behind the scenes – The lovely Sawers family

May 12, 2011

Green Living Dominica, Behind the scenes Dominica, Living the dream , Island Adventures in the Paradise Island of Dominica. Bringing up kids in the Caribbean Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Cloud Cult performs Everyone Here Is a Cloud at

May 12, 2011

Minneapolis, Minnesota’s Cloud Cult continues to take a unique path to success in the indie rock world. Over the past couple years, the band has aligned themselves with an eco-friendly corportate sponsor, Esurance, which has helped foot the bill for their tours and has placed their music in it’s commercials. But money never seems to […]

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Advance Wars: Frontline Little Island Skirmish (0.9.1)

May 12, 2011

Moddb Page: My Site: Please note this is still in development and that the Black Hole minicannons DO NOT work yet. Music in order of appearance: Battalion Wars 1: Callsign Eagle Battalion Wars 2: Incursion Battalion Wars 2: Wings of the Gunship Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Hauptsache haltbar – Gefährliche Verpackung, DEHP in der Nahrung (02/03)

May 12, 2011

Gefährliche Verpackung. Wie uns die Industrie vergiftet! Eine Dokumentation von arte (06.08.2010, 11:00 – 11:25). Thematinée: Gift – Unser tägliches Risiko Haltbare Produkte in giftiger Verpackung im Supermarkt. Wandergifte Phthalate (Weichmacher) in der Verpackung. Diethylhexylphthalat (DEHP) wird als Weichmacher für PVC verwendet. Aufgrund verschiedener negativer Einschätzungen (unter anderem einer EU-Arbeitsgruppe im Jahr 2000 als fruchtschädigend […]

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Harrison EJ & Sons Inc Ventura, CA

May 12, 2011

Harrison EJ & Sons Inc Ventura, CA Supermedia, 20-30-40 Cubic Yard Boxes , 30-40-50 Cubic Yard Boxes , Aluminum Recycling , Appliance Recycling , Appliance Removal , Backyard Pickup , Bin Rentals ,Bins , Brush Removal , Bulk Garbage Removal , Clean-Up , Compactors , Construction Site Cleanup , Consultations , Containers & Barrels […]

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DIY home for less than $3500

May 12, 2011

In a town where the median home price is over half a million dollars, Jenine Alexander decided to build her own. Using resources like the tiny house blogs and the 1950 bestselling DIY book “Your Dream Home: How to Build It for Less Than $3500” (a gift from a friend), Jenine spent less than $3500 […]

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ASP-JetGlobal Plastics Recycling Technology Video

May 12, 2011

Revolutionary plastics recycling and remanufacturing technology Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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HP 2600 Reman Instructions

May 12, 2011

HP 2600 cartridge remanufacturing instrustions Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Jerry Hart | | German Oktoberfest

May 12, 2011

Blog: Helge Hellberg from An Organic Conversation describes the authentic German Oktoberfest. What happens at Oktoberfest stays at Oktoberfest… Blog Twitter http Itunes Facebook Linkedin Flickr Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Eco Eye Series 5, Episode 4

May 12, 2011

Sustainable Tourism Duncan goes west to examine the value and potential of sustainable tourism in Ireland. Focusing on the North Western area of the country with an emphasis on Westport and Clew Bay, Duncan explores sustainable tourism within the region. The Greening Irish Hotels Programme has encouraged hotels across the country to become ‘greener’ by […]

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